Saturday, August 28, 2010

Malls Again?

Admittedly I don't have much to do right now because it's still hot and muggy out so I go with people to malls so they can shop for furniture for their apartments. These trips serve two purposes for me. It gets me out of the apartment and it reinforces my complete lack of desire to shop for furniture and everything else it takes to furnish a home.
So I've found my two bedroom furnished apartment and all I have to buy is food to stock it with. It comes with everything else right down to the glasses and dishes and I get maid service once a week.
Back to Malls. They're all incredibly upscale, they have marble floors everything is always clean and shiny. They almost all have movie theaters, ice skating rinks, bowling alleys and even small roller coasters. It's the main entertainment destination because during the summer kids can't really go outside to play much so families head to the mall.
There are two other neat things I saw yesterday down in Dubai and I've seen at malls here in Abu Dhabi. If you park in the parking garage there are portable car wash machines so guys come around and wash your car for you while you're in shopping. Then as you get into the parking garage there are LED display boards telling you how many spaces are available on each level. I know that's no big deal, but the cooler part about it is as you pull down a row or up a ramp there are indicator lights over each space, red for a taken space and green for an empty space. So you simply look overhead and can drive right to an empty spot and know it's empty.
Sometimes I look around here and am amazed that they haven't figured out a mail delivery system yet, but they have things like sensors and green and red lights in parking garages to make your life easier.



  1. "Sometimes I look around here and am amazed that they haven't figured out a mail delivery system yet, but they have things like sensors.."etc. I think you're underestimating them. They're deliberately not unveiling their mail delivery system improvements so that people can't send you things and you have to go to the mall(s) and buy them yourself :) It keeps their economy strong! :)

  2. A very valid possibility Brentwood.

  3. Interesting! I love design and innovative things like that, that make you think, "Why didn't I think of that?!"

    I believe I've seen the portable car-washing stuff at the grocery stores in England, though =P

    The apartment you chose, it's different from the one that wanted too much before, right?

  4. I would move there just for the malls.....

  5. There could be people living in these malls, they're so big and have everything, from grocery stores to endless entertainment.
