Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Windy City or Abu Dhabi?

Took another walk tonight and headed north towards the Arabian Sea. Walking down the street I passed a Baskin Robbins, but I was actually on a mission to get to the Cold Stone Creamery on the Corniche which is the main walking, running and biking path near the beach and water.

After crossing a few main streets and through a park I ended up on the path I was looking for on the edge of the water.

Seriously if I didn't know any better I could have easily thought I was in Chicago on a very hot summer night. a beautiful lighted wide brick pathway, people walking, running and biking on it, a busy road right next to it, then a park like area with fountains in different places and some really large, really tall buildings. The only giveaway was that I was sweating bullets while I was walking.

Never did get as far as the Cold Stone Creamery, but stopped at the Baskin Robbins on the way back and picked up a double scoop in a cup and that was dinner. I actually live closer to that Cold Stone Creamery than the one in Portage my kids used to go to.

I did a little skyping with daughter #3 tonight, Sarah in Chelmsford, MA. She appears to be doing fine. She gave her two week notice at her job because her boss was serving alcohol to one of her fellow employees that was under age, Sarah had refused to serve him. She stood up for her principles, which is nice to see, but I sure hope the job she's now looking for will pay for expenses.

I was a little concerned about mail service, but I changed addresses on two of my magazines the week before I left and both of them showed up on my desk Monday at work after being mailed to me through a PO Box in NYC. So I'm happy and I have stuff to read therefore I have to go for now.

Stay Cool, (I'm trying to)



  1. Now I know why you were never accepted for Survivor...You're in AD and eating at places like Burger King (that is not even meat)and Cold Stone Creamery/Baskin Robbins?! Shouldn't you be eating boewars and camel biltong? Seriously. Here's a foodie link to a website called Time Out Abu Dhabi-- http://www.timeoutabudhabi.com/restaurants/features/11251-abu-dhabi-delicacies. Now, go eat one of those chocolate chessboards at Qaryat Al Beri Souk. And do let us all know how the camel biltong tastes (and DONT say it tastes like chicken). C'mon man, you're in AD!!

  2. Good for Sarah. I appreciate her integrity, plenty of future professors and employers will, too.

    In honor of you, I will visit the Portage Cold Stone for you this week while I'm on vacation. I have always thought it clever, whoever came up with the store named 'The Marble Slab.' Cold Stone / Marble Slab. Somebody's Thesaurus was working overtime, eh?
